I got our building buddy Jerry Brainard to come by the hangar this afternoon to check the operation of the new MT with me, just to make sure the prop cycled properly and didn’t leak or do anything untoward. My first impression was it feels bigger than the Catto, though I haven’t checked and don’t have the specs handy. And, since it’s not loading the engine at idle, it’s much quieter at idle… it just purrs. We brought the oil temperature up and cycled it a few times. Once the prop was full of warm oil, she cycled nicely, so I’ll get the paperwork done (I’ve sent in a new FAA 8130-6 form for the prop, I just need to make sure the logbook entry is up to snuff and the insurance company is already aware of the change) and the cowling on, and do the new weight and balance. I’m hoping the prop will shift our weight slightly aft, but we’ll see. I need to get the fuel out and get her levelled up to do the balance, then we can taxi test and check the high RPM stop before flying off the 5 hours of required testing. Here’s a quick video of the run.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Thursday December 29th, 2011 at 9:37 AM

Categories: Propeller
Tags: Building Engine Fuselage MT Propeller

One response to “MT Prop Test Run 1”

  1. Document says:

    […] out the update I’ve posted onĀ ground running the MT. Everything checked out OK, so I’ll probably start off-loading the fuel tomorrow to update my […]

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