Our Catto prop is on order with Craig Catto, though we still need to give him final horsepower figures from our test runs with the engine. We believe that this will give us the best overall performance, although we may switch to a constant speed prop later if we find the takeoff performance unacceptable. The folks flying Velocitys with Craig’s props are all reporting good results and high satisfaction.

We’ve elected to go with a spinner from Ken Miller, with the ‘reverse taper’ design and a lampshade flowguide to get the best airflow through our prop.

Ken Miller ‘Hershey Kiss’ Spinner and Lamp Shade Flowguide

Fitting Spinner


For those of you who just need to see more about how the spinner was fitted to the propeller… Our Catto is 68″ diameter by 82″ pitch.

Fitting the back-plate onto 6″ Saber Extension

Test Fitting the “Lampshade” Flow Guide

Test Fitting the Spinner Dome

Back Plate Layups Competed
We added 2 BID of glass around the periphery of the back plate to get a better interference fit with the flow guide. This is one of Ken Millers (www.long-ez.com) spinners made from carbon fiber. The position of the flow guide was fixed, and the blade positions were marked onto it, and subsequently, the dome.

Fixing the position of the flow guide.
Then the back plate was permanently bonded to the flow guide with flox. This is possible since the prop doesn’t have nuts, the extension is threaded. Then we had to make templates of the prop blades (horse shoe style) so that we could cut the openings in the dome. The back part of the cutout will then be bonded to the back plate so the dome can slide on, and be attached with screws and nut-plates.

Floxing the back plate to the flow guide

Fixing the Template Locations Relative to the Spinner Dome’s Cleco Holes

Marking the Cutouts onto the Spinner

Spinner Prop Blade Cutouts

Test Fitting the Spinner Dome after Cutting

The Spinner Dome is Fitted

Fitting Aft-Cut Sections

Glassing Backplate to Flowguide

Bonding Aft Cut Section

Checking Spinner Tracking

Primed and Fitted


Prop Label – 68″ Diameter, 82″ pitch

Prop Safety Wire

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Thursday July 14th, 2005 at 8:17 PM

Categories: Spinner
Tags: Building Catto Extension Fuselage Hershey Ken Miller Propeller Saber Spinner

3 responses to “Ken Miller Hershey Kiss Style Spinner”

  1. Document says:

    […] Our engine has gone back to Magnum for test runs and Ken ‘EZ’ Miller spinner arrives! […]

  2. Document says:

    […] spinner work completed. Check out the spinner section, sparrow […]

  3. Document says:

    […] Spinner work completed (for now, it’ll need final paint with everything else later), radio trays installed and intercomm and transponder mounted-wiring beginning, and still chasing various engine bugs preparing for first run. Wing-root fire protection installed, ailerons installed, rudders/cables installed, more engine connection work, brakes bled (again). Additional pictures in plane-to-airport section from the Brainards. […]

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