We purchased a dual Plasma III system from Klaus at LightSpeed Engineering. I think it’s the finest on the market, and the two units talk to each other to set the timing advance in flight, and have a remote display of all needed parameters on the instrument panel. Luckily, our friends at Magnum mounted most of the system onto the engine before delivering it to us.

Plasma III Ignition Controllers

Unlike the in the pictures above, I’ve moved the ignition coils for the lower cylinders to the firewall, on a custom bracket that I made for them, so the wires wouldn’t have to pass through the cooling plenum. Here are pictures of the bracket.

Lower Coil Brackets

Lower Coil Mount

Installed Lower Coils

Lower Coils with Wires

Coax to Upper Cylinder Coils

Here, and miscellaneous picture of a detail often unmentioned. As it turns out, at least the way I routed my control wires for the LSE crank pickup, the wires would rub against the fly wheel (it’s heavily dished). Here is the poor-man’s solution, an AL bracket formed to hold the wires back away from the flywheel. And before anyone mails comments, this fix was recommended to me (and, in fact the part made by) my EAA Technical Counselor/A&P buddy.

LSE Direct Crank Wire-Tie

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Sunday October 10th, 2004 at 6:55 PM

Categories: Electronic Ignition
Tags: Building Electronic Ignition Engine Fuselage

One response to “Installing the LightSpeed Electronic Ignition”

  1. Document says:

    […] Engine is on order! We’ve selected an IO-540-D2A from Magnum Engines in nearby Kettering, to be flow and mass balanced, and upgraded with 9.5:1 pistons and dual Light Speed Electronic Ignition. […]

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