This section has you dry fit the speed brake and sand any interferences, which we’ve already done. Just my 2 cents, by the way, but these “creepers” are the cat’s meow for this kind of work (we have done all of the work thus far with the bird on its on legs…). Anyway, then you’re to make the 2″ wide notches for the hinge pins to sit in. It’s important to get good alignment between the hinges so that it swings freely, then drill and cleco them into place and check for good operation. Then you can drill the rest of the holes. Also, you’ll find that the pins will zip right out of these hinges at the least provocation, so it was made clear to us that anywhere you have these babies, make sure that the notch for the hinge pin fits tightly so that this cannot happen by accident. Next the holes in the hinges get tapped, and the bottom of the fuselage countersunk. Actuator details are in the Keel section of the fuselage chapter.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday June 12th, 2002 at 1:48 PM

Categories: Speed Brake
Tags: Building Fuselage Head Start Speed Brake

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