This weekend was kind of a washout, literally and figuratively. It poured in town all weekend, and Sunday was consumed with EAA48’s Funday Sunday and a Chapter 974 meeting. I have gotten most everything on the GRT up and running properly, calibrated the fuel level probes and the like. I’m still having a small issue getting the Trio Pro Pilot to talk to the Horizon EFIS, but I think we’ll get that squared away shortly. I even have the AutoTrim cicuit working (Elizabeth likes to call it MagicTrim!). Meanwhile we’re starting the condition inspection, and I’ve got a call into CF Airtronics (now based at I68!) to get my pitot/static calibration and transponder recertification. Oh, and the best part, I got my stinking optical fuel level probe (in my sump tank) to work. OK, I over sold that, I got a new one that works.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Tuesday May 4th, 2010 at 9:04 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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