This is a running summary of my flights and their costs for others looking to get their Private Pilots Certificate. Note that I did have some hours in the early 2000s, but I wouldn’t consider myself a natural, so your results will vary. All in Piper Warrior N89296 until flight lesson 21 when I switched to the 180 HP Cherokee (a very similar airplane).

Also note that my time and cost will be different because of the delay in acquiring my medical. I wanted to keep flying 2-3 times a week to build my skills and confidence, even though I wasn’t eligible to begin my solo work without the medical, which added many hours that we not required strictly speaking. Still and all, I spent nearly $5k to solo. Your mileage will vary.

My final totals:     Dual: 56.3 Hr          Solo: 10.1 Hr     Rental Cost: $6,110.00     Instructor Cost: $2,074.50     Total Cost: $8,234.50

Of course, that doesn’t get me flying my airplane yet. I still needed a high performance endorsement (61.31f) (for airplanes with more than 200 HP). I spent 2.5 hours and $630 getting that endorsement. I also acquired a complex endorsement in an Arrow (not required for my airplane, but a good idea), and $1,425 for factory transition training (not including travel costs to Florida).

Flt Date
Plane Cost
Inst. Cost
Total Cost
43 01/27/2013 1.1 1.1 0 $ 135.00 $ 400.00 $ 535.00 Practical Test Standards exam with Martha Lunken
42 01/05/2013 1.2 1.2 0 $ 138.00 $ 45.00 $ 186.00 Mock practical test standards/flight review with Pete.
41 12/22/2012 1.3 1.3 0 $ 149.50 $ 52.00 $ 220.50 Mock practical test standards/flight review with Tom.
40 12/01/2012 1.3 1.3 0 $ 149.50 $ 52.00 $ 220.50 Mock practical test standards/flight review.
39 11/25/2012 1.5 1.5 0 $ 172.50 $ 60.00 $ 232.50 Dual in the practice area to prepare for flight review. 11 kt cross
38 11/24/2012 1.3 1.3 0 $ 149.50 $ 52.00 $ 201.50 Dual in the practice area to prepare for flight review. 10 kt cross
37 11/16/2012 1.8 0 1.8 $ 220.50 $ 0.00 $ 220.50 Solo in the practice area. 7 kt cross. Finished solo requirements.
36 11/11/2012 1.1 0 1.1 $ 135.00 $ 0.00 $ 147.00 Solo in the practice area. Windy again today 190@13G21
35 11/10/2012 1.2 0 1.2 $ 147.00 $ 0.00 $ 147.00 Solo in the practice area.
34 11/04/2012 1.6 0 1.6 $ 195.96 $ 0.00 $ 186.00 Solo cross-country to Columbus Bolton field (KTZR) and back.
33 10/22/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 138.00 $ 48.00 $ 186.00 PTS Standards/Flight Review Practice
10/17/2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 140.00 CATS Written/Private Pilot Written Exam
32 10/13/2012 2.1 0.0 2.1 $ 257.20 $ 0.00 $ 257.20 Long solo cross-country (I68->KMIE->KHAO->I68 151nm)
31 10/10/2012 0.7 0.7 0 $ 80.50 $ 28.00 $ 108.50 Crosswind take-off and landing practice (12+ kts)
30 10/07/2012 1.9 0!!! 1.9 $ 232.70 $ 0.00 $ 232.70 First solo cross country to KTZR, Bolton field, Columbus, OH. (non-instruction is taxed)
29 10/04/2012 1 1 0 $ 115.00 $ 40.00 $ 155.00 Working PTS standards, slow flight, GRM, S turns, emergency proc. etc.
28 10/02/2012 0.8 0.4 0.4 $ 109.00 $ 16.00 $ 108.00 TO&L, Pattern work, first SOLO!
27 09/15/2012 1.6 1.6 0 $ 184.00 $ 64.00 $ 248.00 Night Cross Country I68->TZR, 1.3 Hour simulated instrument conditions
26 08/25/2012 1.8 1.8 0 $ 207.00 $ 72.00 $ 279.00 Long Cross Country (150nm+)!! To MIE->HAO->I68, 1.5 Hour simulated instrument conditions
25 08/23/2012 0.9 0.9 0 $ 103.50 $ 36.00 $ 139.50 Emergency procedures, Simulated night electrical failure, night T/O and landings
24 08/18/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 138.00 $ 48.00 $ 186.00 Emergency procedures, Simulated Instrument (hood), soft and short field T/O and landings
23 08/16/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 138.00 $ 48.00 $ 186.00 Emergency procedures, S turns, GRM, soft and short field T/O and landings
22 08/14/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 138.00 $ 48.00 $ 186.00 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, steep turns, soft and short field T/O and landings
21 08/11/2012 1.4 1.4 0 $ 161.00 $ 56.00 $ 217.00 Cross Country, I68->TZR->I68
20 08/07/2012 1.5 1.5 0 $ 148.50 $ 52.50 $ 201.00 Cross Country, Short Field take-offs and landings, soft field take-offs, steep turns, stalls. ISZ->I68->ISZ
19 08/02/2012 1.3 1.3 0 $ 128.70 $ 45.50 $ 174.20 Cross Country, take-offs and landings. ISZ->I68->ISZ Emergency Procedures
18 07/31/2012 1.7 1.7 0 $ 179.24 $59.50 $238.74 Cross Country, take-offs and landings. ISZ->HAO->MWO->I68-ISZ
17 06/13/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Cross Country, Class C Lunken, steep turns, slow flight, stalls, Sportys (closed)
16 06/09/2012 1.4 1.4 0 $ 135.80 $ 49.00 $ 184.40 Cross Country, Class B Cincinnati, Blue Ash, Lunken
15 06/08/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Cross Country, Class C Dayton, steep turns, slow flight, stalls
14 06/06/2012 1.4 1.4 0 $ 135.80 $ 49.00 $ 184.40 Pattern work, cross country, VOR navigation, Class D Lunken
13 06/02/2012 1.4 1.4 0 $ 135.80 $ 49.00 $ 184.40 Pattern work, cross country, VOR navigation, Class D Lunken
12 05/31/2012 0.8 0.8 0 $ 77.60 $ 28.00 $ 105.60 Pattern work, simulated engine out, would solo next flight if I had my medical already
11 05/29/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, GRM, steep turns, T/O and Landing, S turns
10 05/28/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, GRM, steep turns, crosswind T/O and Landing
9 05/26/2012 1.1 1.1 0 $ 106.70 $ 38.50 $ 145.20 Pattern work
8 05/24/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, GRM, steep turns
7 05/22/2012 1.1 1.1 0 $ 106.70 $ 38.50 $ 145.20 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, steep turns
6 05/20/2012 1.3 1.3 0 $ 126.10 $ 45.50 $ 171.60 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, GRM
5 05/18/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls
4 05/12/2012 1.4 1.4 0 $ 135.80 $ 49.00 $ 184.40 Emergency procedures, slow flight, stalls, ground reference maneuvers (GRM)
3 05/10/2012 1.1 1.1 0 $ 106.70 $ 38.50 $ 145.20 Ground reference, turns about a point, S turns
2 05/08/2012 1.2 1.2 0 $ 116.40 $ 42.00 $ 158.40 Climbs, trim, slow flight
1 05/05/2012 0.9 0.9 0 $ 87.30 $ 31.50 $ 118.80 Starting my training for real this time
0 09/24/2011 1.1 1.1 0 $ 106.70 $ 38.50 $ 145.20 Familiarization with the Piper Warrior and Instructor
Totals 56.3
46.2 10.1 $ 6,110.00
$ 2,074.50 $ 8,234.50

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Friday September 23rd, 2011 at 10:37 PM

Categories: Flight Training
Tags: Flight Training

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