Today we made another stop on the controlled airspace Whistle Stop Tour… today it was Dayton International’s turn in the barrel. Interestingly Dayton’s approach control is now out of Columbus, which I have to admit makes me sad, but it didn’t make it any harder to get in there. Oddly enough we ended up right behind another GA airplane that was headed into Dayton, and the winds were light, so we just made a straight in for 36, and taxied into Stephens for some Spunkmeyer cookies. The last two they had, in fact, which was good, because Pete would’ve been very disappointed if he’d missed out on his cookie. 😉 Tomorrow we have a Velocity fly in, but I’ll be flying to Cincinnati International’s Class B first, then back to sunken Lunken, then the nearly closed up Cincinnati Blue Ash Airport. Check back for updates.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Friday June 8th, 2012 at 9:04 PM

Categories: Blog Flight Training
Tags: Blog Flight Training

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