We’re blessed to know and to call friends many interesting and extraordinary people, a good many that we’ve met through building and flying our Velocity. Dave Bertram is but one example. So, when I heard last week that Mike McConnell was opining on how flying the Hurricane Hunter airplane would not be on the top of his most-desired profession list (in reference to Joaquin, which was about to batter South Carolina) I dropped him a note. Dave was awarded a Air Medal for flying his 31 Typhoon missions out of Guam, and being a great story teller, I reached out to WLW to hook him up with Mike. That interview aired this morning at 6:30 am (and maybe other times). They intend to also make the full interview available on their website, and if they do I’ll grab that as well. For your enjoyment, Dave and Mike:



Dave’s Velocity

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 at 10:17 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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