Priming the Fuselage

Priming the Fuselage

We’ve finally started shooting paint. The weather was cool, but with the sun shining on the paint booth, and the gas heater was set just in front of the inlet fan, so we were able to hold the temps steady in the 70s. Elizabeth is working on the final paint scheme with Air Graphics.

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Priming the Pilot Wing

Priming the Pilot Wing

So, you get the idea at this point. This wing was in pretty good shape, but there were several “dimples” that needed filling (most of which actually got filled), and a couple of spots on the outboard end that needed some real (not a ton, but a fair amount of) fill. We filled it, and […]

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Priming the Canard

Priming the Canard

Today primed the canard. We spent most of last weekend getting the EIS wiring up to snuff, but it’s not very photogenic. This week was sand and fill (and grinding off some canard-tip layups I did a *long* time ago before I knew better-they were as thick as battleship armor). So, today was the day, […]

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Priming CoPilot Wing with Nason

Priming CoPilot Wing with Nason

Well, we’ve finally got a functioning paint booth up and running at the house. We were going to paint at Jerry’s, but it was just a bit too cramped for the 10’x20’x9’6″ booth that we’d envisioned. In fact, getting it in my garage, and getting the heat back up and running was a bit of […]

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Painting with UV primer

Painting with UV primer

Before first flight, everything that’s bare glass should get a good coat of UV-resistant primer, so here we’re priming our cooling plenum, sparrow strainer, bolt hole covers, nose gear fork fairing, and other small odds and ends. Priming Parts Priming Pitot Mount Priming the Nose NACA Scoop Primed Plenum Elevator Torque Tube Primed

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