GTN-650 and Final Approach Fast Stack Wiring Update

I’ll flesh this out as I install the radio, but for now this is a convenient placeholder for the schematics.     For formatting only Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, […]

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Nose gear axle, vinyl decals, nose gear leg fairing

Nose gear axle, vinyl decals, nose gear leg fairing

UPDATED: [10/12/14] First flight with the new fairing, and we’re seeing about 10 kias better speed at 25 squared (full rich mixture) I’m finally getting around remounting our nose hear pant. It’s been basically ready to go back on all year, but I hadn’t done the work for a couple of reasons. One, I knew I […]

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SkyRadar Update

We have good ADS-B coverage locally these days, and I’m regularly pulling up the winds reported at my destinations via the GRT’s DETAILS page, and getting lots of traffic (part of that is because I have the GTX330ES doing the “activation” of nearby transponders), but I’m also seeing myself. Turns out I need to tell […]

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VOR Tracking

Just a quick note that there is a setting in the EFIS for using the right (course) knob to set the OBS on the SL30, which I had not set, that was causing me issues. I changed it and now it works perfectly… make a note on your system (the options are “ON NAV HEAD” […]

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Beginning a cooling study

Beginning a cooling study

Our cooling is generally fine, but on hot days when we stay in the pattern, the CHT’s get warmer than I would like. Luckily we know Terry Schubert, of CSA fame, and he’s just the guy to give us some tips. So, we setup for him to come down with some aquarium hose, air stones, and we […]

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AntiSplat Separator

AntiSplat Separator

Some of our friends (Andy and Mark) have reported good success with the AntiSplat system, so we’ve decided to take the plunge. We’ve always had a haze of oil on our cowling as our existing separator dumps at the cowling join line. I don’t know if the actual separator is better or if it’s mostly a function […]

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