Once the aileron was fitted in the opening, the hinges were temporarily attached to the aileron by ‘5 minute’ epoxy. The epoxy was applied to the hinge, and the hinge had sponge rubber foam stuffed behind it, so that when the aileron was braced in place, the rubber pushed the hinge against the aileron while the epoxy cured. Next it was checked for interference throughout it’s travel, sanding anywhere it rubbed. We had a odd interference, where the foam “tunnel” that the torque tube exits through interfered significantly and had to be sanded out (picture below). Once everything appeared in order, the hinges were attached to the aileron with microglass and rivets (long rivets penetrating the torque tube on the inboard hinge).

Next the torque tube was attached with bolts and rivets to the aileron, which will be later attached to the control cables through a bell crank on the inboard end of the wing inside of the engine cowling. Also, we’ve decided to go with the flush-head screws with tinnerman washers to spread the load out.

As an interesting aside, how many people have a wing in their dining room? This work was timed so that immediately afterward I could remove the pilot wing (that fuel strake being complete) and install the other wing. The aileron and rudder work was then completed before beginning the co-pilot strake work.

Aileron Hinge Attachment

Aileron Control Torque Tube on Wing Inboard Bulkhead

Counter-sunk Mounting Screws

Nutplates installed to Replace Clecos




Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Friday January 10th, 2003 at 6:25 PM

Categories: Aileron Hinges
Tags: Aileron Building Wings

One response to “Attaching Hinge to Aileron”

  1. Document says:

    […] Pilot side Strake completed, Ailerons and Rudders installed! […]

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