This weekend I was able to complete and test the pitch trim relocation the pilot side of the airplane. I had originally mounted it on the copilot side because I had the large Blue Mountain EFIS/one AHRS mounted on a tray on the pilot side. This behemoth left me with little space for the trim spring, but started a cascade of issues. The trim spring is shaped like a candy cane, and to keep it from pushing against the radios I end up having to flip it upside down. With my new tray, which goes across the entire fuselage, for the GRT and Vertical power boxes, mounting upside was not possible. Upright the trim spring still hit the radios, but it’s just right on the pilot side. I also tested the radio, headset, both push-to-talk buttons, and the speaker, and all is well there. Now to install the GRT’s and mount the canard and control stick!
Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Sunday June 19th, 2011 at 11:11 PM