We’ve finished up the majority of fixes and adjustments that I wanted to get in this down period, and I’m anxious to get Beth back in the air to keep her currency up. However, in a real lapse of memory, we’re over due for for annual condition inspection, so we have to do that as well. Oh, and this weekend features “P&G Day” at Kings Island, so there’s a whole day down. But, we did get Andy’s alternate air door mechanism tested, and I’ve got my APRS transmitter ready to go into the plane, so if I pass my test next week, we’ll have a neat new feature soon! For those interested, this version isn’t available any more, but the new Micro-Trak 8000 FA (8 watt Frequency Agile) version is. I still need to figure out where to mount it, with it’s dang 17″ antenna.
Posted By: Brett FerrellFriday September 12th, 2008 at 8:24 PM