Big week here. We’re heading to Texas for a long weekend, but we’ve made some major purchases. First we ordered a Catto propeller with a Saber extension and a Ken Miller inverse taper spinner. We’ll try this fixed pitch combo since it’s much cheaper, and everybody that has one swears by them, and it should help us a bit on the high end. If we find we need better short field performance we can get an MT later, and keep the Catto as a spare (for us or other Velocity owners) since the MT’s are very susceptible to damage. Also, we took the money we saved and placed a deposit for August delivery of the Blue Mountain EFIS/One. Good Stuff. I’m all tingly… {NOTE: Blue Mountain has been defunct for many years}

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Thursday July 1st, 2004 at 6:13 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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