We’re working on the small bits, but here are some pictures from the work just finished. Notice the chrome in the landing light well, the dark crackle on the strake pocket, and the nice fit of the nose hatch. We’re thinking about getting our interior done this spring, so we’re going to paint the door beams with gray primer (our interior is grey) and clear coat. We may cover them with leather later, but it seems that might be tough with the door seal (we’ve not seen anyone else do this), so we’re going to paint them just in case.

Pant paint

Nose Hatch reinstalled

Door beams are prepped for paint


Landing Light holder



Strake pocket



Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 at 3:19 PM

Categories: Spraying
Tags: Building Painting Pants

One response to “Detail Painting”

  1. Document says:

    […] small bits got clear coated yesterday, as well as the pants (check out the pictures). Today we pulled the canard into the booth and primed a couple of bad spots (we had a bit of oil […]

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