Before I was a student pilot, there was Texas Air Aces… As I mention in the “About Brett” section here, I’d always imagined myself as a fighter pilot, and was a member of ROTC at the University of Cincinnati for a couple of years until I was disqualified medically. After that, I set my dreams of flying aside for many years because I just couldn’t get excited about flying a Cessna after lusting for jets for so long. But there was always something there…

Fast forward to my 30th birthday, I was coming out of my first marriage to my high school girlfriend and hitting one of “those” age milestones and my older brother wanted to do something nice for me – or rather us – and got us a flight with Texas Air Aces. The aces flew T-34 Mentor USAF trainer aircraft out of David Wayne Hooks Memorial Airport near him in Houston in both Air Combat and Unusual Attitude training flights at the time. I wouldn’t start real flight training for a couple of years still, but I had some knowledge from my time in ROTC. However, this was my first flight in a small piston airplane, and I didn’t know enough to even be nervous about it really. In hindsight they let us do things that day that would really trouble my trained instincts today.   🙂

But, it was great. And they created a video for me. It was an awesome 90 minutes, documented in this YouTube video. It has a something to do with my story, but almost nothing to do with the Velocity story, but I’m including it here because it’s about airplanes. I hope you enjoy it.

Loss of N44KK – NTSB
Loss of N141SW – NTSB

David Wayne Hooks Airport

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Friday September 24th, 1999 at 12:57 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Air Combat Birthday Blog Dwayne Hooks Airport KDWH N141SW N444KK Texas Air Aces

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