Rudder Cable Installation

Rudder Cable Installation

Here we’re rigging the rudder system. First we’ve installed an AN111 bushing at each rudder and swage the timble onto the cable and attach it to the rudder belcrank with an AN3 bolt. Next we deflect the rudders out 4″ from the wingtip to determine the amount of cable needed at the wingroot to get […]

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Rudder Return Spring

Rudder Return Spring

Finally the rudder return springs were installed. These “center” the rudders once you release rudder pressure. The springs are mounted in 1″ cylinders about 18″ above the bottom of the rudder well. A 1″ hole is drilled in the winglet side, favoring the wing side, and is mounted in microballons. Next the anchor for the […]

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Rudder Hinge Installation

Rudder Hinge Installation

First the hinge locations needed to be established. The lower hinge is 6″ above the rudder opening, and the upper is 6″ below the top of the rudder well, with the remaining 4″ hinge spaced evenly between them. With the locations established, 3/16″ notches were Dremeled for each hinge and chamfered, and the winglet sides […]

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Bellcrank Installation

Bellcrank Installation

Next the bellcranks needed to be installed. These levers attach to the rudder cable and actuate the rudders. The standard installation is to mount these outboard of the winglet where they can be seen. This isn’t very pretty so we opted for the option internal bell cranks. First a notch is made in the rudder […]

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Install Nylaflow Tubing for Rudder Cables

Install Nylaflow Tubing for Rudder Cables

This section is simple enough, just take 3/16″ nylaflow tubing from 6″ aft of the attachment point on the pedal assembly, through the carbon beam, sweeping gently up to the top of the gear bulkhead and extending slightly out the back of the firewall. The only real trick here is that the recommended method of […]

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Assemble Rudder Pedals

Assemble Rudder Pedals

OBSOLETE. These pedals were replaced when we upgraded to the Cleveland brakes with the toe-brake option. Assembling the rudder pedals is a pretty straightforward exercise in connect-the-dots. Of note is the fact that the back of the pedal has an arm that actuates the brake on one side of the plane for steering on the ground (the nose wheel […]

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